About Us

Our goals include:

  • Document the extent of tech-based consumer fraud in the United States and raise public awareness about the extent of the crisis.

  • Allow consumers to easily report an attempted scam and report after a victim has been defrauded, which would improve our ability to stop scams and enable law enforcement to respond.

  • Promote information sharing on scams via a national data-sharing hub, involving a public-private partnership.


  • Create trusted, verified communications that deny fraudsters the ability to impersonate reputable companies.

  • Mitigate the technology risks that allow criminals to take over a computer and steal a person’s life’s savings.

  • Champion a national strategy to improve government coordination, to prevent fraud from reaching people in the first place, and to empower regulators, law enforcement, and consumers.

is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to significantly reduce scams in the United States through a comprehensive, systemic approach involving public-private partnership and cross-sector cooperation from technology, telecom, financial institutions, consumer advocacy groups, and government. The focus is to stop scams at the source, before they reach the consumer in the first place.

Our goals are aligned with the US National Cybersecurity Strategy, which emphasizes the need for consumers to be better protected from cyber threats:

  • “Today, end users bear too great a burden for mitigating cyber risks. Our collective cyber resilience cannot rely on the constant vigilance of our smallest organizations and individual citizens.

  • Instead, across both the public and private sectors, we must ask more of the most capable and best-positioned actors to make our digital ecosystem secure and resilient."